Freya Bailes invited me to hold a guest lecture at MARCS Auditory Laboratories at University of Western Sydney and Michael Smetanin invited me to present Tears of Dionysius to his composition class at Sydney Conservatorium of Music.
The MARCS lecture was on the SUM project, and afterwards I met with Roger Dean who showed me his recent research and artistic activities. At Syd Con there were a good, though at times somewhat embarrassed reaction as I went through Tears of Dionysius. Since the film makes use of black-and-white erotic films from 1920-40 as its material, it is inevitable that there will be reactions. This is certainly not unwanted – in fact we calculated with it – but we wanted to avoid distracting the attention from the work’s subject. There is no doubt that the visual material is brilliant for our purpose, but it was indeed intriguing to notice the uneasy reactions happening with a young audience of students in their 20s.