On a grant from the Danish Arts Council I began working in May 2017 with the Leipzig based band ITOE. The collaboration named Beyond Borders will end during 2018, and my main artistic goal is to explore ways that notation, improvisation and technology can melt into an instantaneously produced music that feeds upon itself for its formal development.
Addressing five self-imposed conceptual challenges, I am developing a handfull of compositions in open-form notation with accompanying computer code that will become the basis for a work method. The methods include abstract counterpoint based on analysis-resynthesis-remake; instant, time-scale reassembly according to features; passing music attributes between areas; mouldable soundscape backdrop managed by audio cues; strategies for cover as a compositional methodology. This is the drawing board for the final works, which in turn will be ready for performance without further preparation.
I will also refer to older compositions of mine for source of material, to discover possible musical solutions that draw on a wider musical vision. This may tax the improvisers’ performing habits and the management of spontaneous material, but the goal is to provide novel opportunities in improvisations that ideally should off-set any new restrictions by providing other inroads for extemporised materials’ reappearance in the musical ongoings. The will end up in a number of separate journeys in the form of individual pieces, and some of these may very well be released commercially.