Album releases final third of 2018

Four albums will be released with my music this fall, covering all the aras that I am active in. Already out is the physical release of ‘Engage and Share’ on Austrian Kairos label, containing three compositions Engage and Share, Slonk and Blind Lemon for sinfonietta with Spanish ensemble El Grup Instrumental de Valencia, conducted by Joan Cerveró.

October 12 will see the release of ‘Crush’, the second album with my impro trio with e-guitarist Keisuke Matsuno and drummer Moritz Baumgärtner, followed by a Lars From Mars album on November 9 that will feature my coded and intervening techno, both on clang records. And finally on December 7 an album on Orion Records with my Chilean trio with Cristian Gallardo (sax and flute) and Ce Pams (visuals).

Blog entries

  • Towards a natural sound amplification

    Half-way through my composer-in-residence with Icelandic Caput Ensemble, a further two compositions will be forthcoming in 2020. Dealing with structural [...]

  • Composer-in-residence with Caput Ensemble

    I am thrilled beyond words to initiate a two-year period as composer-in-residence with the Icelandic Caput Ensemble, one of Europe’s best ensembles [...]

  • Album releases final third of 2018

    Four albums will be released with my music this fall, covering all the aras that I am active in. Already out is the physical release of ‘Engage and [...]

  • Beyond Borders

    On a grant from the Danish Arts Council I began working in May 2017 with the Leipzig based band ITOE. The collaboration named Beyond Borders will end [...]

  • Great reviews for ‘Venus’

    The ‘Venus’ album, now out on dacapo, has received some excellent reviews. Culture Catch has it as one of 2015’s best classical releases [...]

I have over the years released a considerable amount of music as composer, flute and laptop performer and producer on digital and physical media – vinyl, cassette, CD, DVD. You will find all this material including listening links on the recordings page.

The programming I am doing for my own electronica and interactive music performance purposes has let me into research topics that have spun off a few snippets of generally useful software. This is available in the toolbox page.

Finally, the 3D Sound Object is a sound diffusion concept that holds very interesting artistic promises, and I am discussing the concept and pieces I have made on the 3D Sound Object page.