The electronica duo of Lars Graugaard (Lars from Mars) and Cristobal Saavedra (Equipo)
Urban Tempo vol. 1
There are Lars from Mars and Adduce tracks on the recent urban tempo vol. 1. The release is a sample of artists who have taken part in La Bombeta’s 2009-2010 Urban Tempo series. La Bombeta is an arts and culture association in Mollet del Vallès, Barcelona which hosts music, dance, theatre, plastic art and conferences for artistic-cultural […]
We’re preparing performances in Barcelona and Cologne for May-June with the material we have developed recently. The material will get its netrelease on PuebloNuevo by mid-May. A good mixture of quite active details and some longer slowly evolving textures. We will be getting visuals on the material later, and this is usually intriguing because it […]